Saturday, February 12, 2011

Finding Old Favorites

So, last week I decided to do some late winter cleaning. As I started to clean out my drawers and closets, I was amazed at how much junk one could accumulate. I mean seriously, I took out 7 bags of garbage! CRAZY! But, I also came across something very special that I had forgotten about, the very first hat I ever knit. It was Flicker by Kim Hargraeves (LOVE HER WORK!). See, this hat is especially special because this pattern book was purchased during my very first visit to my LYS (Local Yarn Shop) and it was the first project I decided to undertake, so you can imagine my surprise when I came across it in the bowels of my drawer as I was tossing things away. A lot of things from that drawer didn't make it, but this hat is a definite keeper and perhaps a renewed favorite!
Picture 023
Kim hat
You can tell by the smile on my face that I'm in love with it!

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