Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dad... I love you!

So, some of you might know that my dad has been having some health issues for the past year. He had bypass surgery in March of 2010 and a few other problems, but on Friday night he gave us the scare of a lifetime. My dad suffered from a stroke on Friday evening, right in front of my eyes. One minute we were speaking and he was fine, and within 10 seconds he stopped being able to speak clearly and his right side froze. Of course, I called 911 and he went straight to the hospital where he was given a very dangerous medication that has plenty of terrible side effects that could show up in the first 24 hours of administering said medication. So, my mother and I sat and waited to see how much damage this sad silent killer would cause. I'm very, very happy to report that my father, who on Friday night, could not speak, move his right side, or recall how to spell his own name, has made a full recovery with no damage done to his speech or limbs. I was almost positive that Friday night would have been the last time I saw my father and I am so thankful to have him back home with us, where he belongs. I know that this has nothing to do with knitting, but I really felt the need to share... :o). However, don't think that while sitting in the room with my father I didn't manage to get some knitting You know I did and I even started a new design for a cute hat... look for it soon. Thank you all for reading and I'll talk to you all very soon!

Monday, February 14, 2011


In honor of Valentine's Day, I'm happy to report that the Hugs and Kisses Pattern is now live and available as a free download through Ravelry!

Hugs and Kisses

download now

Happy Knitting!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Finding Old Favorites

So, last week I decided to do some late winter cleaning. As I started to clean out my drawers and closets, I was amazed at how much junk one could accumulate. I mean seriously, I took out 7 bags of garbage! CRAZY! But, I also came across something very special that I had forgotten about, the very first hat I ever knit. It was Flicker by Kim Hargraeves (LOVE HER WORK!). See, this hat is especially special because this pattern book was purchased during my very first visit to my LYS (Local Yarn Shop) and it was the first project I decided to undertake, so you can imagine my surprise when I came across it in the bowels of my drawer as I was tossing things away. A lot of things from that drawer didn't make it, but this hat is a definite keeper and perhaps a renewed favorite!
Picture 023
Kim hat
You can tell by the smile on my face that I'm in love with it!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cables and Lace

So, as you all know I've been working on design number 2 and not that I like to toot my own horn, but I'm in love! The Reesh Pullover is definitely turning out to be a winner. Now, I'm not done knitting it, but since I'm so in love I wanted my readers to be in love too; so, I've decided to tease you with a couple of sneak peak photos. Now, these are not of the entire project, but rather just a couple of select photos of some of my favorite elements of this pullover.

Reesh 2

and Lace:
Reesh 1

Look for the test knit of this to pop up in the next couple of weeks and then for the pattern release in April. Also, leave your comments as I always love hearing your opinions. Now, back to knitting... time for sleeves!